Community Projects
Project Information
Command Information

Shaii Command Information

Each Shaii command has several information. These information should be sufficient enough for you to learn the command. On this section, we put detailed and simplest command information.

  • Command Description
    • This information displays the detailed and simplest command description.
  • Command Availability
    • This information displays the availability of the command.
      • If the availability is Yes, which means the command is available to use.
      • If the availability is No, which means the command is not available or cannot be used. It can be under development, bugs, etc.
  • Voice Channel Requirement
    • This information displays if this command requires user voice channel connection.
      • If the requirement is Required, the user must be in a voice channel at first before executing the command.
      • If the requirement is Not Required, the user do not have to enter any voice channel for executing the command.
  • Example Usage
    • This information displays how to use the command.
      • Since Slash Command is now the default command prefix/interaction for Shaii, the default prefix is / (slash). *
      *) / (slash) prefix is the default/native prefix made by Discord, not by us. Slash Command is the native interaction to interact with Discord apps, it's called Discord Application Commands (opens in a new tab).